The Best Chlorella Manufacturer in the World

Taiwan Chlorella Manufacturing Company (TCMC) was established in 1964 and was the first company to start to grow Chlorella in Taiwan. TCMC is the world’s oldest and largest Chlorella producer. 

In 1964, Huang Chi-Jui, the former Taipei City mayor invited a group of famous doctors and entrepreneurs to join him in establishing the first Chlorella company in the world. 

  • In 1964, our first factory was established in Chung Li, in the Tao Yuan County. The total area is 25,000 square meters with an annual output capacity of 150 metric tons.
  • In 1982, we established our second factory in Lung Chun, located in the southern part of Taiwan. The total area is 26,000 square meters and achieves an annual output capacity of 180 metric tons.
  • Today, TCMC is the largest and most technically advanced chlorella producer in the world. Since 1964, our production techniques have been continually refined and updated to maintain our reputation as producer of the world’s finest, purest, premium grade chlorella.


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